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Next-Gen In Vitro
Tissue Organoid Models 

For Research & Drug Development

95% of new cancer drugs fail during clinical trials. 

Drug development has also become slower and more expensive over time in a phenomenon known as Erooms Law. One of the root causes of these problems is that the tools researchers use for efficacy testing, such as 2D cell cultures and murine models, do not accurately depict human biology.  

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The 3-in-1 Plate

Create complex in vitro spheroid/organoid models
with unparalleled ease. ​

All in One Platform

No Risk of Losing Spheroids

In Situ IHC Analysis

The 3-in-1 Plate is a hydrogel insert that fits within each well of a six-well plate. The 3-in-1 Plate combines spheroid formation, ECM integration, drug testing and downstream analysis all in one easy-to-use platform. The insert is perfectly suited to a variety of experiments including co-cultures, tri-cultures, invasion studies, immunohistochemistry analysis and much more. â€‹


Culture spheroids, embed in an extracellular matrix, test drugs and conduct downstream analysis. All without ever having to transfer the models from one plate to another.

The 3-in-1 Plate enables disturbance

free solution exchanges, eliminating

the possibility of aspirating spheroids

when replacing media.

Spheroids can be treated and sliced directly within the microwells of the 3-in-1 Plate, preserving the delicate morphology of your models.

The TruSphere Plate

Forty Uniform Spheroids With Just One Cell Seeding

The TruSphere is a culture plate insert that allows for the rapid and uniform culturing of spheroids. Its unique design makes it possible to create large-scale spheroids using just a single pipette step. The insert is ideal for various types of assays and can be used with standard laboratory imaging equipment, making it suitable for a wide range of experiments. Additionally, its open-well design allows for easy transfer of spheroids to well plates for drug screening.


High Throughput Culture

Create up to 40 uniform spheroids from a single, hasslefree pipetting step and get 480 spheroids per 12-well plate.

Easy Media Changes

The TruSphere Plate enables disturbance-free solution exchanges, eliminating the possibility of aspirating spheroids when replacing media.

Easy IHC and H&E Analysis

Spheroids can be treated and sliced directly within the microwells of the EZ-Seed Plate, preserving the delicate morphology of your models.

Trusted by Leading Clients


What Are Spheroids?

Spheroids are three dimensional clusters of cell lines grown in vitro. These structures mimic important aspects of the cellular microenvironment such as cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, making them important models for both basic research and drug screening. 

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