HTSphere (96 well plate)
For High Throughput 3D Tissue Culture
96-well plate with an array of spheroids per well (up to 1152 per plate).
One-step cell seeding.
Monosize spheroids for experimental consistency.
Compatible with SLS automation.
Effortless immunostaining and imaging.
Platform is directly embeddable in paraffin for IHC and H&E analysis.

3-in-1 Plate
For a Complex Tissue Microenvironment & Drug Testing
Create spheroids, apply extracellular matrices, test drugs and perform downstream analysis. All without ever having to transfer the spheroids from one platform to another.
Uniform spheroids for experimental consistency.
No risk of losing spheroids during media changes.
Lower cell requirements reduces the need to passage cells for organoid formation.
One spheroid per microwell. No crosstalk between the models.
Easily image spheroids in situ.
Spheroids can be formalin fixed, paraffin embedded, and sliced directly within the hydrogel platform, enabling in situ IHC analysis.

Disease types
Breast Cancer
Lung Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Cell types
Cell lines​
Patient-derived xenograft
Ex-vivo primary tissue
Key Readouts​​
IHC and H&E analysis
Next gene sequencing
Western Blot
OMIC's studies.